
赵纯,女、1966年8月出生,硕士学位,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,中国女画家协会理事,海外华人美术家协会副主席、秘书长兼洛杉矶分会主席,中俄油画协会副主席,中匈美术家协会副主席,北大新世纪书画院副院长,中国文化信息协会工艺美术专业委员会评审专家兼专家顾问,中国海关美术家协会理事,中国海关书法家协会理事,鄂尔多斯市国际商会书画院副院长,河北美术学院、京华美术馆油画高研班导师,京华美术馆油画艺委会副主任,徐悲鸿画室客座教授,北京圆梦公益基金会决策委员会主席,亚洲智慧女性联合会常务副主席。擅长油画、国画,师从著名画家冯法祀先生,受教著名画家靳尚谊先生和著名旅美华人画家陈逸飞先生,近年来多次参加全国美展和提名展并屡屡获奖,作品多次被刊登在国家级的重要画册和刊物上,近年来在全国及世界范围内多次举办个人画展,作品多次被作为国礼赠送国外政要,多幅作品被中外艺术机构和艺术收藏家收藏。出版有《名家写生/赵纯》、《赵纯画集》、《赵纯作品选》、《中国传世名家名作/赵纯作品集》、《中国传世名家名作系列明信片/赵纯专辑》、《中国当代油画艺术名家/赵纯》限量版珍藏邮册、《国家名片/邮票上的十大书画艺术名家》、《美国国家名片/赵纯》、《法国珍藏邮册/杰出华人艺术家赵纯》等;其个人资料和作品被收录到《2009大东方当代油画展作品集》、《百年经典》、《致敬经典/中国传承代表人物》、《中国当代美术家精品集(第二辑)》、《中国美术传世经典》、《中国大家作品集》 、《新中国美术图鉴》、《世界美术家大辞典》等。2012年被评为中国当代最具学术价值与市场潜力的油画家;2013年其油画作品《母亲》在保利艺术品秋拍上刷新了记录; 2015年、2016年分别被文化部、国家邮政总局授予“中国当代书画艺术大家”、“中国当代传世艺术名家”银质勋章和荣誉证书;2016年11月被美国集邮集团授予“中美杰出华人艺术家”金质奖章和荣誉证书,并获得第二届"我爱中国美"最受观众喜爱的艺术家;2017年被国际集邮文化中心授予“2017最具影响力华人艺术家"荣誉称号;2018年被评为“德艺双磬艺术家”;2019年获得纽约"优秀艺术家"荣誉。

Brief introduction of painter Zhao Chun

Zhao Chun, female, born in August 1966, master's degree, national first-class artist, member of China Artists Association, director of China Women Artists Association, vice chairman, secretary-general and chairman of Los Angeles Chapter of Overseas Chinese Artists Association, Sino-Russian oil painting Vice Chairman of the Association, Vice Chairman of the China-Hungarian Artists Association, Deputy Dean of the New Century Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Peking University, Expert and Expert Consultant of the Arts and Crafts Professional Committee of China Cultural Information Association, Director of China Customs Artists Association, Director of China Customs Calligraphers Association, Ordos Deputy Dean of the Beijing International Chamber of Commerce, Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Instructor of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, Jinghua Art Museum Oil Painting Advanced Research Class, Deputy Director of the Oil Painting Art Committee of Jinghua Art Museum, Xu Beihong Painting Room Visiting Professor, Chairman of the Beijing Yuanmeng Charity Foundation Decision Committee, Asia Smart Women's Union Executive Vice Chairman. He is good at oil painting and Chinese painting. He studied under the famous painter Feng Fasi, the well-known painter Jin Shangyi and the famous Chinese painter Chen Yifei. He has participated in many national art exhibitions and nomination exhibitions in recent years and has won many awards. His works have been published in the country many times. In important albums and publications at the national level, in recent years, many individual art exhibitions have been held nationwide and worldwide. The works have been presented as national gifts to foreign politicians many times, and many works have been collected by Chinese and foreign art institutions and art collectors. Published "Masterpiece Sketch / Zhao Chun", "Zhao Chun Painting Collection", "Selection of Zhao Chun Works", "Masterpieces of Chinese Masterpieces / Zhao Chun Collection", "Postcards of Masterpieces of Chinese Masterpiece Series / Zhao Chun Album", "China Contemporary Oil Painting Masterpiece / Zhao Chun "Limited Edition Collector's Book," National Card / Top Ten Masterpieces of Calligraphy and Painting Artist "," American National Card / Zhao Chun "," French Collector's Book / Outstanding Chinese Artist Zhao Chun ", etc. ; His personal data and works have been included in "2009 Great Eastern Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition Works Collection", "Hundred Years Classic", "Salute Classics / Representative Characters of Chinese Heritage", "Excellent Collection of Chinese Contemporary Artists (Second Series)", " Classics of Chinese Fine Arts "," Collection of Works of Chinese People "," Illustrations of New Chinese Art "," A Dictionary of World Artists ", etc. In 2012, he was rated as the oil painter with the most academic value and market potential in contemporary China; in 2013, his oil painting work "Mother" set a new record on Poly auctions; in 2015 and 2016, he was awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the General Post Office respectively. Awarded the Silver Medal and Honorary Certificate for "Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Masters" and "Chinese Contemporary Heritage Artists"; November 2016 was awarded the "China-US Outstanding Chinese Artist" Gold Medal and Honorary Certificate by the American Philatelic Group, and won the second The most loved artist of the "I Love Chinese Beauty" session; awarded the "2017 Most Influential Chinese Artist" honor title by the International Philatelic Cultural Center in 2017; New York "Outstanding Artist" honor.